Giving a subcutaneous injection.Patient education materials. Setembro 2015. Acesso em: Abril 2016. Clique para mais detalhes …
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Pfizer’s Sayana® Press Becomes First Injectable Contraceptive in the United Kingdom Available for Administration by Self-Injection. Press Release. Setembro 2015. Acesso em: Abril 2016 Clique para mais detalhes …
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Burke HM, Mueller MP, Packer C, Perry B, Bufumbo L, Mbengue D, Daff BM, & Mbonye A. 2014. Provider acceptability of Sayana Press: results from community health workers and clinic-based providers in Uganda and Senegal. Contraception 89(5): 368-373. Doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2014.01.009.
Burke HM, Mueller MP, Perry B, Packer C, Bufumbo L, Mbengue D, Mall I, Daff BM, & Mbonye AK. 2014. Observational study of the acceptability of Sayana Press among intramuscular DMPA users in Uganda and Senegal. Contraception 89(5): 361-367. Doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2014.01.022.
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Keith B, Wood S, Tifft S, & Hutchings J. 2014. Home-based administration of Sayana Press: review and assessment of needs in low-resource settings. Contraception 89(5): 344-351. Doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2014.03.003.
Polis CB, Nakigozi GF, Nakawooya H, Mondo G, Makumbi F, & Gray RH. 2014. Preference for Sayana Press versus intramuscular Depo-Provera among HIV-positive women in Rakai, Uganda: a randomized crossover trial. Contraception 89(5): 385-395. Doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2013.11.008.
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Burke HM, Mueller MP, Packer C, Perry B, Bufumbo L, Mbengue D, Daff BM, & Mbonye A. 2014. Provider acceptability of Sayana Press: results from community health workers and clinic-based providers in Uganda and Senegal. Contraception 89(5): 368-373. Doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2014.01.009.
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